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Assembly service
I offer to assemble our models on request and, exceptionally, kits produced by our colleague Mark Hesketh models, subject to availability.
The kits are assembled using only various types of tin solder for brass, nickel silver or bronze parts, or silver solder for the most fragile or delicate parts, and low-temperature solder for white metal parts.
The models are decorated using mainly water-based acrylic paints. The models are always protected by several coats of matt varnish.
All requests for the assembly of FMW kits or kits supplied for assembly (subject, in the case of kits supplied for assembly, to the presence of all the parts and the assembly instructions) can be carried out within 3 months of the effective order date and in accordance with the workload planning.
The price of assembly depends on the model, and does not include the price of the kit, only the assembly and painting services.
Sur demande, et en option, je peux réaliser la digitalisation et sonorisation (comprenant l’installation et le paramétrage du décodeur DCC) de vos modèles.
L’ ajout d’une réserve d’énergie également, suivant la faisabilité (place disponible), et l’éclairage éventuel de vos modèles.
En option toujours, je peux vous proposer de patiner votre modèle, voir notre page spécifique à ce propos.
In the case of kits supplied by the customer, which remain the customer's property at all times, a full inventory of the kit will be carried out on receipt, in order to validate the feasibility of assembly.
Whether for an FMW kit or a kit entrusted by the customer, all requests are subject to a prior quotation in line with the customer's requirements and wishes.
Assembly and painting services can only begin once the quotation has been accepted and validated by the customer.
During the assembly and painting work, the customer will be regularly updated on the progress of the assembly work by means of regular emails accompanied by photos, as the work progresses.
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Our speciality is the design and production of premium 1:35 scale narrow-gauge model railways. Our models are designed and built using high-quality materials and equipment.
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Assembly assistance
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